Useful Hacks and Advice for Exercise, Fitness and Working Out?

 Useful Hacks and Advice for Exercise, Fitness and Working Out?

There are lots of fitness tips and hack you may found on the internet or any article on fitness. Giving Some time for your body (at least half n hour) make you one step closer to yourself, because in this busy world having a fit body is really difficult.

Many of my friends and relative said that “how you become so slim and fit”.This made me feel positive. Now exercise and workout become a part of my routine. I have provided some of my fitness tips and exercise.

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HERE are some of my tips:-

  • Firstly, you should drink a lot of water (7–8 glass). In the morning, I used to drink a mixture of lemon+honey water every morning.
  • Exercise, do it for 1(1 n 1/2) hrs daily. You can do any physical workout In my routine it includes stair climb(15 TIMES), sit-ups(20 TIMES), push up(15 TIMES), plank and some stretching which include cobra stretch. You can do meditation for 10 mins (for peace)
  • Diet, I choose my food wisely. Plan my meal. I add fruits, low calorie-meal, avoid sugary drinks (and coke), avoid coffee. Try not to eat the food which contains more amount of salt and spice. Especially the food which are made outside. Add protein-rich food in my meal, Try to add less amount carbohydrate (or fats). Add curd to your meal.
  • "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper, this become old. Here is the new one:_BREAKFAST you should eat alone, LUNCH you should share with friend and DINNER give to your enemy. Remember to chew your food slowly.
  • Drink water a half hour before meals.
  • In the evening,I do Zumba (1hrs).
  • Get a good night's sleep, every night(7hrs).
These are some of my fitness tips. Hope this may help you. HAVE A GOOD AND HEALTHY DAY. STAY FIT AND HEALTHY.

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