Female Infertility: Causes and Treatment in Gurgaon


Female Infertility: Causes and Treatment in Gurgaon

In this article, DR Hrishikesh, one of the best IVF doctors in India with a vast experience of 35+ years in gynaecology, obstetrics, and infertility, talks about female infertility, its causes, and treatment. He talks about the best treatment available at the IVF centre in Gurgaon.

Infertility is a common and frustrating factor for some women. With the development of modern medicine, technological advancements and various research and studies have made it possible to treat infertility-related issues among women.

IVF centre in Gurgaon offers one of the top world-class IVF treatments with highly trained doctors and staff. All kinds of infertility-related issues are treated at this clinic. The staff and doctors are always available to answer your queries relating to infertility; you can contact them here at clinicspots.

What is Female infertility?

Female infertility is an inability to get pregnant and have a successful pregnancy.

It is a very common condition found among women.

Female infertility is usually diagnosed after one year of trying to get pregnant.

When the cause of female infertility is found to come from the female partner, it is called female infertility.

In some cases the infertility is caused by the male partner and in some cases by the female partners and in the rest of the cases infertility is caused by both the partners.

There are many treatments available depending on the infertility case.

In this article, DR Hrishikesh, one of the best IVF doctors in India with a vast experience of 35+ years in gynaecology, obstetrics, and infertility, talks about female infertility, its causes, and treatment. He talks about the best treatment available at the IVF centre in Gurgaon.  Infertility is a common and frustrating factor for some women. With the development of modern medicine, technological advancements and various research and studies have made it possible to treat infertility-related issues among women.  IVF centre in Gurgaon offers one of the top world-class IVF treatments with highly trained doctors and staff. All kinds of infertility-related issues are treated at this clinic. The staff and doctors are always available to answer your queries relating to infertility; you can contact them here at clinicspots.   What is female infertility?  Female infertility is an inability to get pregnant and have a successful pregnancy. It is a very common condition found among women. Female infertility is usually diagnosed after one year of trying to get pregnant. When the cause of female infertility is found to come from the female partner, it is called female infertility. In some cases the infertility is caused by the male partner and in some cases by the female partners and in the rest of the cases infertility is caused by both the partners. There are many treatments available depending on the infertility case.

Causes of female infertility

Causes of female infertility

Damage to the fallopian tubes:

  • Fallopian tubes are tubes that carry eggs from the ovaries to the uterus.
  • Fallopian tubes can get damaged due to scars that are formed because of pelvic inflammatory disease, surgery in the abdomen or pelvis, and endometriosis.


Endometriosis is when tissue that usually grows in the uterus implants and grows in other places.

This extra tissue growth can cause scarring, which can block fallopian tubes or sperm migration.

Hormonal problems

Certain hormonal issues can cause problems in the uterus.

Hormonal imbalance can cause the ovary to not release the egg.

Cervical problems

Some females face a condition that prevents sperm from passing through the cervical canal.

Uterine trouble

polyps and fibroids in the uterus can stop the female from getting pregnant.

Unexplained infertility

In certain cases, the cause of infertility cannot be found.

Sometimes it is caused due to both the male and the female.

You must not delay consulting the doctor; you can get immediate consultations with the best doctors at the IVF centre in Gurgaon.

Treatments for female infertility

Dr. Hrishikesh explains some of the treatments done to treat female infertility; they are mentioned below.

Treatments for female infertility

1. Laparoscopy

During laparoscopy, the doctors will perform surgery that will repair your reproductive organs if you are affected with tubal or pelvic disease.

The doctor removes ovarian cyst, scar tissue, opens the blocked tube,  and treats endometriosis.

2. Hysteroscopy

During this procedure, the doctor removes polyps and fibroid tumors, opens up blocked tubes, and divides scar tissue with the use of hysteroscopy.

3. Intrauterine insemination (IUI)

In this procedure, the doctor will place the washed semen into the uterus.

This procedure is done when the female is ovulating.

4. In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

In IVF, your doctor places embryos into your uterus that were fertilized in a dish.

The doctor will give you meds(gonadotropins) that will trigger the development of more eggs.

After the eggs are matured, the doctor will collect them with a needle.

The collected sperms will be added to the eggs in the dish, and after a few days, the fertilized eggs will be transferred to your uterus.

Extra eggs can be frozen and saved for later purposes.

5. Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)

This is a method where the sperm is directly injected into the eggs that are placed in a dish and then is transferred to your uterus.

6. Gamete intrafallopian tube transfer(GIFT) and Zygote intrafallopian transfer(ZIFT)

Both of the above mentioned methods include retrieving the egg, then the doctor combines it with the sperm in a lab, and transfers it back into the fallopian tubes.

In ZIFT, the doctor places the fertilized eggs into your fallopian tubes.

In GIFT, the doctor mixes the sperm and eggs together and then inserts them within 24 hours.

7. Egg donation

It involves removing eggs from the ovary of a donor who has taken fertility drugs.

This is done when you have some problem with your ovaries. 

Egg donation


It is best to consult your doctor at the earliest to prevent further problems in the future.

Choose the treatment that will favour you and be the best for your family.

Keeping up with the doctor and checking up on your health is always a good practice.

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